This vignette describes how to use Qploidy
, an R package
designed for ploidy and aneuploidy estimation using genotyping platform
data. For a detailed explanation of the Qploidy
methodology, please refer to its publication.
When does the Qploidy
methodology work?
The Qploidy
approach is effective under the following
- Your marker data originates from Axiom or
Illumina genotyping arrays.
- Your marker data is derived from targeted sequencing
platforms (e.g., DArTag, GTseq, AgriSeq).
- All DNA samples were prepared following the same library
preparation protocol.
- You know the ploidy of at least a subset of 60
samples or you know the most common ploidy in
the dataset.
- Your dataset includes heterozygous samples.
When does the Qploidy
methodology NOT work?
The methodology will not be effective under the following
- Your marker data comes from RADseq or
GBS (Genotyping-by-Sequencing) platforms.
- You intend to combine datasets from different sequencing
- For example: If you extracted DNA and sequenced two plates (192
samples) as one batch, and later sequenced an additional three plates
(288 samples) as a second batch, you would need to analyze the two
batches separately in Qploidy
. Combining
all 480 samples into a single analysis will lead to incorrect
- You do not have a subset of samples with known ploidy
or lack a predominant ploidy in your dataset.
- Your samples consist of inbred lines (homozygous
Prepare input files
From Axiom array summary file
- About this Dataset
This dataset consists of an Axiom array-sequenced collection of 524 garden rose cultivars, comprising a total of 137,786 genetic markers. For more details, please refer to this publication.
From Illumina array
data <- read_illumina_array("data/illumina/Set1.txt", # This is a example code, data not available
MarkerName SampleName X Y R ratio
1 CT1 S1-2_1 0.023 0.009 0.032 0.2812500
2 CT10 S1-2_1 0.006 0.000 0.006 0.0000000
3 CT100 S1-2_1 0.030 0.020 0.050 0.4000000
4 CT101 S1-2_1 0.026 0.010 0.036 0.2777778
5 CT103 S1-2_1 0.019 0.000 0.019 0.0000000
6 CT104 S1-2_1 0.041 0.012 0.053 0.2264151
Define Reference Samples - Choose Path (1) or (2)
applies a standardization method to allele
intensities or read counts to enable the comparison of copy numbers
across the genome of a sample. To achieve this, it requires a set of
reference samples. There are two ways to select these reference
- If you have a subset of samples with known ploidy,
will use this subset as the reference.
- If you know the most common ploidy among your
samples, you can initially run
using all samples as the reference. From this first run, you can identify samples with the common ploidy, then select this subset to use as the reference in a second run ofQploidy
Below are the steps to proceed for each case, tagged as (1) and (2):
(1) Using a Subset with Known Ploidy
For this method, you will need to separate your subset of samples with known ploidy:
(1) and (2) Run Dosage Caller
To proceed, you need to determine the dosage for all reference samples. If you haven’t done this yet, you can use any suitable dosage caller.
- For array data, we recommend using the
- For sequencing data, we suggest using the
These packages determine dosages by analyzing the distribution of allele intensities or read counts across all samples for each marker, using an informed ploidy model. You will provide either the most common ploidy in your population or the known ploidy of your selected subset as the informed ploidy.
- Path (2): If you provide the most common ploidy, samples with different ploidy levels may receive incorrect dosages. However, these samples can be filtered out in the next step.
Depending on the number of samples and markers, this step may take a
significant amount of time to complete. It is highly recommended to run
it on a high-performance computing system where you can utilize multiple
cores and avoid issues with excessive RAM usage.
Array data
saveMarkerModels(ploidy=4, # Most common ploidy among Texas Garden Roses collection
data=data_reference, # output of the previous function
filePrefix="fitpoly_output/texas_roses", # Define the path and prefix for the result files
ncores=8) # Change it accordingly to your system!!!!
library(vroom) # Package to speed up reading files
fitpoly_scores <- vroom("fitpoly_output/texas_roses_scores.dat")
genos <- data.frame(MarkerName = fitpoly_scores$MarkerName,
SampleName = fitpoly_scores$SampleName,
geno = fitpoly_scores$maxgeno,
prob = fitpoly_scores$maxP)
MarkerName SampleName geno prob
1 AX-86752740 1000 Wishes 2 0.7831438
2 AX-86752740 10004-N008 2 0.9892338
3 AX-86752740 10037_N046 2 0.9844171
4 AX-86752740 10038-N001 2 0.9916813
5 AX-86752740 10043_N019 2 0.9871057
6 AX-86752740 10043_N049 2 0.9955792
genos.pos_file <- read.table("geno.pos_roses_texas.txt", header = T) # File containing markers genomic positions
SNP probes chr pos
1 Affx-86843634 AX-86752747 6 255852
2 Affx-86842821 AX-86752763 6 62032267
3 Affx-86839613 AX-86752769 5 9169310
4 Affx-86838724 AX-86752790 1 44259488
5 Affx-86840823 AX-86752809 7 12991931
6 Affx-86842443 AX-86752817 2 53861719
# Edit for Qploidy input format
genos.pos <- data.frame(MarkerName = genos.pos_file$probes,
Chromosome = genos.pos_file$chr,
Position = genos.pos_file$pos)
MarkerName Chromosome Position
1 AX-86752747 6 255852
2 AX-86752763 6 62032267
3 AX-86752769 5 9169310
4 AX-86752790 1 44259488
5 AX-86752809 7 12991931
6 AX-86752817 2 53861719
Target sequencing VCF data
- If the VCF file already contains dosage/genotype information called considering the subset/most common ploidy:
genos <- qploidy_read_vcf("my_file.vcf", geno = TRUE) # This is a example code, data not available
genos.pos <- qploidy_read_vcf("my_file.vcf", geno.pos = TRUE) # This is a example code, data not available
- If the VCF file does not have marker names in the
column of the fixed portion, then you will seeNAs
in theMarkerName
column. You can use the following code (concatenates the chromosme and position as a marker name) to fix this:
(1) Filter the genos object to keep only the known ploidy samples subset
- If the VCF file doesn’t contain dosage/genotype information called considering the subset/most common ploidy:
# Prepare inputs for updog
ref <- pivot_wider(data[,1:3], names_from = SampleName, values_from = X) # This is a example code, data not available
ref <- as.matrix(ref)
rownames_ref <- ref[,1]
ref<- ref[,-1]
ref <- apply(ref, 2, as.numeric)
rownames(ref) <- rownames_ref
size <- pivot_wider(data[,c(1,2,5)], names_from = SampleName, values_from = R)
size <- as.matrix(size)
rownames_size <- size[,1]
size<- size[,-1]
size <- apply(size, 2, as.numeric)
rownames(size) <- rownames_size
multidog_obj <- multidog(refmat = ref,
sizemat = size,
model = "norm", # It depends of your population structure
ploidy = 6, # Most common ploidy in your population
nc = 6) # Change the parameters accordingly!!
genos <- data.frame(MarkerName = multidog_obj$inddf$snp,
SampleName = multidog_obj$inddf$ind,
geno = multidog_obj$inddf$geno,
prob = multidog_obj$inddf$maxpostprob)
(1) and (2) Standardization
roses_data_standardized <- standardize(data = data,
genos = genos,
geno.pos = genos.pos,
ploidy.standardization = 4,
threshold.n.clusters = 5,
n.cores =8,
out_filename = "standardization_results/roses_texas_5clust.tsv.gz",
type = "intensities",
verbose = TRUE)
This is on object of class 'ploidy_standardization'
1 standardization type: intensities
2 Ploidy: 4
3 Minimum number of heterozygous classes (clusters) present: 5
4 Maximum number of missing genotype by marker: 0.1
5 Minimum genotype probability: 0.8
1 Number of markers at raw data: 137786 (100%)
2 Percentage of filtered genotypes by probability threshold: - (16.79 %)
3 Number of markers filtered by missing data: 5659 (4.11 %)
4 Number of markers filtered for not having the minimum number of clusters: 101853 (73.92 %)
5 Number of markers filtered for not having genomic information: 252 (0.18 %)
6 Number of markers with estimated BAF: 28100 (20.39 %)
See the details of the parameters with ?standardize
The print
function of the resulting object provides
information about marker filtering during the process. One critical
filtering step involves the number of dosage clusters represented for
each marker. If your samples are highly inbred at certain loci, you
might not have individuals representing all possible dosages for those
marker locations.
For example, when using tetraploids as the reference, some markers
may have individuals with dosages of only 0, 1, 3, and 4 (missing dosage
2). Without representatives for the missing dosage, Qploidy
standardization cannot be performed.
- If
is set toploidy + 1
, markers with missing dosages will be discarded.
- If
is smaller thanploidy + 1
, the missing dosage cluster centers will be imputed for standardization purposes.
Recover the ploidy_standardization
Object from a Saved
To revisit this step later without re-running the upstream functions,
you can load the previously generated file using the
(1) and (2) Plot results
provides several options for visualization of
the results. Check the complete description with
. Bellow you can see
# Select a sample to be evaluated
samples <- unique(roses_data_standardized$data$SampleName)
sample <- "262_97_4"
# Proportion of heterozygous loci, BAF (Qploidy standardized ratio), and zscore by genomic positions
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized,
sample = sample,
type = c("het", "BAF", "zscore"),
dot.size = 0.05,
chr = 2:8)
ggsave(p, filename = "fig1.png")
# Heterozygous frequency, BAF (Qploidy standardized ratio), and zscore by genomic positions - centromere positions added
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized,
sample = sample,
type = c("het", "BAF", "zscore"),
dot.size = 0.05,
chr = 2:8,
add_centromeres = TRUE,
centromeres = c("1" = 22000000, "2" = 36000000, "3" = 4000000,
"4" = 20000000, "5" = 52000000, "6" = 32000000, "7" = 20000000))
ggsave(p, filename = "fig2.png")
# Raw allele intensity or read count ratio and BAF (Qploidy standardized ratio) histograms combining all markers in the sample (sample level resolution)
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized,
sample = sample,
type = c("Ratio_hist_overall", "BAF_hist_overall"),
chr = 2:8,
ploidy = c(4,4,5,4,4,4,4),
add_expected_peaks = TRUE)
ggsave(p, filename = "fig3.png")
# BAF histograms (chromosome level resolution) and Z score
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized,
sample = sample,
type = c("BAF_hist", "zscore"),
chr = 2:8,
add_expected_peaks = TRUE,
ploidy = c(4,4,5,4,4,4,4))
ggsave(p, filename = "fig4.png")
# BAF histograms combining all markers in the sample (chromosome-arm level resolution) and Z score
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized,
sample = sample,
type = c("BAF_hist", "zscore"),
chr = 2:8,
ploidy = rep(c(4,4,5,4,4,4,4), each = 2), # Provide ploidy for each arm
add_expected_peaks = TRUE,
add_centromeres = TRUE,
centromeres = c("1" = 22000000, "2" = 36000000, "3" = 4000000,
"4" = 20000000, "5" = 52000000, "6" = 32000000, "7" = 20000000))
ggsave(p, filename = "fig5.png")
It is important to note that the quality of results can vary across
samples, as observed in different plots. Key aspects to assess
- How sharp the peaks are in the histogram plots.
- How well the dots cluster in the BAF vs. genomic position plots.
- Whether the patterns match the decay or increase of the Z-score
In our publication, we categorize sample quality into different
resolutions based on the ability to estimate copy
numbers, ranked from highest to lowest resolution:
1. Chromosome-arm resolution: When the copy number of
all chromosome arms can be estimated.
2. Chromosome resolution: When at least one chromosome
arm’s copy number cannot be estimated.
3. Sample resolution: When the copy number of at least
one entire chromosome cannot be estimated.
4. None: When the histogram peaks, considering all
markers, do not fit any of the expected ploidy levels tested.
For more details and examples, please refer to the publication.
(1) and (2) Ploidy Estimation for All Samples
Warning: This method may not be fully accurate in certain situations. While it offers a helpful initial guide, visual inspection of the plots described in the previous section is essential to assess the resolution and confirm the ploidy.
# If sample level resolution
estimated_ploidies_sample <- area_estimate_ploidy(qploidy_standardization = roses_data_standardized, # standardization result object
samples = "all", # Samples or "all" to estimate all samples
level = "sample", # Resolution level
ploidies = c(2,5)) # Ploidy range to investigate
Object of class qploidy_area_ploidy_estimation
1 Number of samples: 524
2 Chromosomes: 1,3,5,2,6,7,4,0
3 Tested ploidies: 1,2,3,4,5
4 Number of euploid samples: 459
5 Number of potential aneuploid samples: 0
6 Number of highly inbred samples: 65
Highly inbred samples cannot be evaluated for copy number using this
method. As a result, Qploidy
returns a missing value
) for these cases.
Lemon_Fiz 4
High_Voltage 4
Lemon_Fiz.1 4
High_Voltage.1 4
Brite_Eyes 4
Morden_Blush.1 4
# If chromosome resolution
estimated_ploidies_chromosome <- area_estimate_ploidy(qploidy_standardization = roses_data_standardized,
samples = "all",
level = "chromosome",
ploidies = c(2,5))
Object of class qploidy_area_ploidy_estimation
1 Number of samples: 524
2 Chromosomes: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
3 Tested ploidies: 1,2,3,4,5
4 Number of euploid samples: 375
5 Number of potential aneuploid samples: 92
6 Number of highly inbred samples: 57
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lemon_Fiz 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
High_Voltage 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Lemon_Fiz.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
High_Voltage.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Brite_Eyes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Morden_Blush.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
# If chromosome-arm resolution
estimated_ploidies_chromosome_arm <- area_estimate_ploidy(qploidy_standardization = roses_data_standardized,
samples = "all",
level = "chromosome-arm",
ploidies = c(2,5),
centromeres = c("1" = 22000000, "2" = 36000000, "3" = 4000000,
"4" = 20000000, "5" = 52000000, "6" = 32000000,
"7" = 20000000))
Object of class qploidy_area_ploidy_estimation
1 Number of samples: 524
2 Chromosomes: 0,1.1,1.2,2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,4.1,4.2,5.1,5.2,6.1,6.2,7.1,7.2
3 Tested ploidies: 1,2,3,4,5
4 Number of euploid samples: 304
5 Number of potential aneuploid samples: 171
6 Number of highly inbred samples: 49
0 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 7.1 7.2
Lemon_Fiz 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
High_Voltage 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Lemon_Fiz.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
High_Voltage.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Brite_Eyes 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Morden_Blush.1 4 4 4 4 4 NA 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Note that one of the chromosome arms (Morden_Blush.1 - 3.2) returned
a value of NA
. This occurs because the arm contains a high
number of inbred loci.
estimated_ploidies_format <- merge_arms_format(estimated_ploidies_chromosome_arm)
Object of class qploidy_area_ploidy_estimation
1 Number of samples: 524
2 Chromosomes: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
3 Tested ploidies: 1,2,3,4,5
4 Number of euploid samples: 304
5 Number of potential aneuploid samples: 171
6 Number of highly inbred samples: 49
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lemon_Fiz "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4"
High_Voltage "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4"
Lemon_Fiz.1 "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4"
High_Voltage.1 "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4"
Brite_Eyes "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4" "4"
Morden_Blush.1 "4" "4" "4" "NA/4" "4" "4" "4" "4"
Export ploidy result table
(1) and (2) Save plots for all samples
Facilitate individual visual inspection by generating figures for all samples in a loop:
for(i in 1:length(samples)){
print(paste("Generating figures for", samples[i],"..."))
# This function will generate figures for sample, chromosome and chromosome-arm resolution level evaluation
all_resolutions_plots(data_standardized = roses_data_standardized,
sample = samples[i],
ploidy = estimated_ploidies_chromosome$ploidy[i,2:8],
chr = 2:8,
centromeres = c("1" = 22000000, "2" = 36000000, "3" = 4000000,
"4" = 20000000, "5" = 52000000, "6" = 32000000, "7" = 20000000),
file_name = paste0("figures/",samples[i]))
By visualizing the plots, you can correct the results from
and add resolution information for
each sample. See the example below:
(2) Improve standardization selecting a known ploidy subset after first round
If you used the most common ploidy as the reference instead of a
subset with known ploidy, the standardization may not be as accurate.
You can improve the resolution by following these steps:
i. Select the highest resolution plots from the first standardization
ii. Filter these samples from the data
iii. Run standardization again using this subset as the reference.
iv. Reevaluate the plots and estimate the ploidy once more.
#i) Select the highest resolution plots from the first standardization round.
data_reference2 <- ploidy_corrected$ID_array[which(ploidy_corrected$ploidy == 4 & ploidy_corrected$Resolution == "chromosome-arm")]
length(data_reference2) # Total of 42 individuals, more is better
data_reference2 <- ploidy_corrected$ID_array[which(ploidy_corrected$ploidy == 4 & ploidy_corrected$Resolution == "chromosome")]
length(data_reference2) # With chromosome resolution we found 219, a better sample size
#ii) Filter these samples from the `data` object.
genos_round2 <- genos[which(genos$SampleName %in% data_reference2),]
#iii) Run standardization again using this subset as the reference.
roses_data_standardized_round2 <- standardize(data = data,
genos = genos_round2,
geno.pos = genos.pos,
ploidy.standardization = 4,
threshold.n.clusters = 5,
n.cores = 8,
out_filename = "standardization_results/roses_texas_5clust_2round.tsv.gz",
type = "intensities",
verbose = TRUE)
This is on object of class 'ploidy_standardization'
1 standardization type: intensities
2 Ploidy: 4
3 Minimum number of heterozygous classes (clusters) present: 5
4 Maximum number of missing genotype by marker: 0.1
5 Minimum genotype probability: 0.8
1 Number of markers at raw data: 137786 (100%)
2 Percentage of filtered genotypes by probability threshold: - (16.34 %)
3 Number of markers filtered by missing data: 6108 (4.43 %)
4 Number of markers filtered for not having the minimum number of clusters: 111977 (81.27 %)
5 Number of markers filtered for not having genomic information: 145 (0.11 %)
6 Number of markers with estimated BAF: 17634 (12.8 %)
#iv) Reevaluate the plots and estimate the ploidy once more.
sample <- "262_97_4"
# Proportion of heterozygous loci, BAF (Qploidy standardized ratio), and zscore by genomic positions
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized_round2,
sample = sample,
type = c("het", "BAF", "zscore"),
dot.size = 0.05,
chr = 2:8,
ploidy = c(4,4,5,4,4,4,4))
ggsave(p, filename = "fig7.png")
# BAF histograms combining all markers in the sample (chromosome-arm level resolution) and Z score
p <- plot_qploidy_standardization(x = roses_data_standardized_round2,
sample = sample,
type = c("BAF_hist", "zscore"),
chr = 2:8,
ploidy = c(4,4,5,4,4,4,4),
add_expected_peaks = TRUE)
ggsave(p, filename = "fig6.png")
# If chromosome-arm resolution
estimated_ploidies_chromosome_arm <- area_estimate_ploidy(qploidy_standardization = roses_data_standardized_round2,
samples = "all",
level = "chromosome-arm",
ploidies = c(2,5),
centromeres = c("1" = 22000000, "2" = 36000000, "3" = 4000000,
"4" = 20000000, "5" = 52000000, "6" = 32000000,
"7" = 20000000))
estimated_ploidies_format <- merge_arms_format(estimated_ploidies_chromosome_arm)
write.csv(estimated_ploidies_format$ploidy, file = "ploidies_before_visual_evaluation_round2.csv")
for(i in 1:length(samples)){
print(paste("Generating figures for", samples[i],"..."))
# This function will generate figures for sample, chromosome and chromosome-arm resolution level evaluation
all_resolutions_plots(data_standardized = roses_data_standardized_round2,
sample = samples[i],
ploidy = estimated_ploidies_chromosome$ploidy[i,2:8],
chr = 2:8,
centromeres = c("1" = 22000000, "2" = 36000000, "3" = 4000000,
"4" = 20000000, "5" = 52000000, "6" = 32000000, "7" = 20000000),
file_name = paste0("figures/",samples[i],"_round2"))
How to cite
Taniguti, C.H; Lau, J.; Hochhaus, T.; Lopez Arias, D. C.; Hokanson, S.C.; Zlesak, D. C.; Byrne, D. H.; Klein, P.E. and Riera-Lizarazu, O. Exploring Chromosomal Variations in Garden Roses: Insights from High-density SNP Array Data and a New Tool, Qploidy. 2025. Submitted.
This work is funded in part by the Robert E. Basye Endowment in Rose Genetics, Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University, and USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) projects: ‘‘Tools for Genomics-Assisted Breeding in Polyploids: Development of a Community Resource’’ (Award No. 2020-51181-32156); and ‘‘Developing Sustainable Rose Landscapes via Rose Rosette Disease Education, Socioeconomic Assessments, and Breeding RRD-Resistant Roses with Stable Black Spot Resistance’’ (Award No. 2022-51181-38330).