Enhancing Genetic Insights with Polyploid Tools and User-friendly Interfaces at Plant Science Symposium - University of Florida (2025)
Computational Tools for Genetic Analysis of Polyploid Crops at Texas A&M Plant Pathology and Microbiology Department Seminar (2024)
Benchmarking GBS Bioinformatic Pipelines for Polyploids Using Linkage Maps at XXXI Plant & Animal Genome Conference, Linkage and Deletion Mapping Workshop (San Diego, CA) (2024)
A Survey of Ploidy and Aneuploidy Patterns Among Rosa Spp. Accessions and the Impact of Aneuploidy on Linkage Maps at XXXI Plant & Animal Genome Conference, Landscape Trees and Shurbs Workshop (San Diego, CA) (2024)
Ploidy and Aneuploidy Determination in a Collection of Rosa spp. Accession and the Impact of Aneuploidy in Linkage Analysis. at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (San Diego, CA) (2024)
VIEWpoly Updates, An interactive visualization Tool for Linkage Analysis Results of Diploid and Polyploid Species at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (San Diego, CA) (2024)
Reads2Map Updates, Benchmarking GBS Bioinformatic Pipelines for Polyploids Using Linkage Maps at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (San Diego, CA) (2024)
Building Linkage Map for Inbred Diploid Populations with OneMap at Part of the course "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Linkage Analysis in Diploids and Polyploids" presented to USDA/Breeding Insight group. Remove, hosted in Ithaca (NY), United States (2023)
Reads2Map - Developing best practices for genotyping-by-sequencing analysis using linkage maps as benchmarks at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (Nelson - New Zealand) (2023)
Reads2Map - Practical and reproducible workflows to build polyploid linkage maps from sequencing data at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (San Diego - CA/USA) (2023)
Computational Support - SNP and Dosage Calling at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (2022)
Building highly saturated genetic maps with OneMap 3.0 - New approaches using workflows at Genetics Department Seminars - ESALQ/USP (2022)
SNP and Dosage calling at GVENK workshop - Genetic data analysis in polyploids. From allelic dosage to QTL mapping (2022)
Reads2map - Practical and Reproducible Workflows to Build Linkage Maps from Sequencing Data at Tools for Polyploids Workshop at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (2022)
Training Workshop - MAPpoly and QTLpoly updates (I talked about VIEWpoly at the end) at Tools for Polyploids Workshop (2022)
VIEWpoly - An Interactive Tool to Visualize, Explore and Integrate Genetic Maps and QTL analysis with Genomic Information at XXIX Plant & Animal Genome Conference (2022)
Poster presentation - Comparing genotype calling software performance in Genotyping-by-Sequencing data of outcrossing population based on genetic maps quality at 30th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (2022)
Poster presentation - Reads2Map - Practical and reproducible workflows to build linkage maps from sequencing data at XXIX Plant & Animal Genome Conference (2021)
Poster presentation - VIEWpoly - An interactive tool to visualize, explore and integrate genetic maps and QTL analysis with genomic information at XXIX Plant & Animal Genome Conference (2021)
Update on Statistical Tools Applied to Plant Breeding at Epagri - Research Center for Family Agriculture (2021)
Short course "R introduction and applications in genetics" at X Four Biotec event (UFSCar) (2020)
Plant Biotecnology - from domestication to modern plant breeding at BiotecLives (NBB Santa Cruz do Sul) (2020)
Talk "Statistical Genetics in Breeding 4.0" at Workshop in Genetics and Plant Breeding (ESALQ/USP) (2019)
SNP and genotype calling in GBS data - A practical guide at ESALQ/USP - GGGC lab (2020)
Short courses of programming in R environment at several events at ESALQ/USP (2016-2020)
Building genetic maps, QTL mapping and applications in Plant Breeding at Discipline of Molecular Biology Applied to Plant Breeding (2018)
Informatics in Genetics at ESALQ Genetics discipline for undergrad students (2018)
Poster presentation - Development of an integrated genetic map for an Eucalyptus full-sib population considering high error probabilities for low-depth GBS markers at EUCARPIA Section Biometrics in Plant Breeding (2018)
Poster presentation - Development of an integrated genetic map for a full-sib progeny from crossing between Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla at X-meeting - 13ª International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2017)